About Us
American Patriot Supply Company was founded with the intention of revitalizing American pride and renewing the American spirit by providing a line of clothing that would appeal to the millions of patriotic Americans across the country. While there are plenty of patriotic options out there, we felt like most styles were geared toward few and limited demographics.
Our goal is to provide something for everyone. If you want to make a bold political statement, we will have options for you. If you want to show off your pride in our amazing country without sparking a political debate, we’ll have you covered. If you just want to make the simple statement that you love this country, you’ll find something here for you as well.
If you have suggestions of things you would like to see, we are always looking for feedback. Feel free to contact us.
Thank you for loving America as much as we do. We look forward creating unique and comfortable options for you to celebrate our great country!
-Kevin Mooneyhan, Founder
About our Founder
Kevin Mooneyhan is a veteran of the national conservative political movement and a staunch lover of America. Kevin’s correct opinion that America is the greatest country the world has ever known is what drives much of his decision-making in every day life. Kevin is passionate about making people passionate about America. This is a picture of Kevin. He loves America and wants all Americans to love America. We should all be more like Kevin.